One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville
Male mechanical engineering students work on a project in Cedarville's Engineering Projects Lab


Admission 需求 for New Students

Entering students must demonstrate an ACT Math sub-score of 25 or higher or an SAT Math sub-score of 620 or higher* to declare one of the engineering 专业. Students not meeting this requirement but wishing to declare an engineering major will be identified simply as Engineering students until they have competed both Calculus I and Digital Logic Design with a minimum grade of C.  Upon successful completion of these courses, Engineering students will be permitted to declare one of the engineering 专业.

Because unpreparedness in mathematics can lengthen the engineering 专业 to 5 years, we strongly encourage all students interested in engineering to read Engineering: Is it a four- or five-year degree program? which outlines the importance of being ready to enter Calculus I at the start of our engineering programs  as well as some options to help prepare 对微积分.

To prepare for engineering or computer science, we recommend that high school students take a college preparatory curriculum which includes:

  • 4 units of mathematics (algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and advanced mathematics or precalculus)
  • 4 units of science (such as physical science, biology, chemistry, and physics)
  • 2 units of the same foreign language

虽然不是必需的, incoming students benefit from having some computer programming experience using a language such as VisualBasic, C++, 或JAVA. Experience with spreadsheets and word processors is also helpful.


Our students must demonstrate proficiency in certain lower-level courses to advance into 3000- and 4000-level courses. Therefore, all students must earn an overall GPA of at least 2.0 by the end of their sophomore year. In addition, each program within the department has its own specific retention requirements as follows:


To advance into the junior year, CE 专业 must earn a combined GPA of at least 2.0 in the following engineering courses: EGCE-1920, 2320, 2410, eggn - 1110, and EGME-2530, 2630.

In addition, CE 专业 must earn a combined GPA of at least 2.0 in the following cognate courses: CHEM-1050, 数学- 1710, 1720, 2710, 2740, 和phy - 2110.


In order to advance in the computer science program, CS 专业 must achieve a grade of at least a C- in each of the following courses: CS-1210, -1220, -2210, -3410, -4810, 数学- 1710, 2510 (or MATH-2210 and MATH-3560).

计算机工程 (CpE)

To advance into the junior year, Cp.E. 专业 must earn a combined GPA of at least 2.0 in the following courses: EGCP-1010, eggn - 1110, EGEE-2010, EGME-1810,-2570.

In addition, CpE 专业 must earn a combined GPA of at least 2.0 in the following cognate courses: 数学- 1710, -1720, -2510, -2740和MATH-3110, 和phy - 2110, -2120.

电气工程 (EE)

To advance into the junior year, EE 专业 must earn a combined GPA of at least 2.0 in the following engineering courses: EGCP-1010, eggn - 1110, EGEE-2010, -2110 和egme - 1810, -2570.

In addition, EE 专业 must earn a combined GPA of at least 2.0 in the following cognate courses: CS-1210, -1220, 数学- 1710, -1720, -2710, -2740, 和phy - 2110, -2120.

机械工程 (ME)

To advance into the junior year, ME 专业 must earn a combined GPA of at least 2.0 in the following engineering courses: EGCP-1010, eggn - 1110, egee - 2050, 和egme - 1810, -2050, -2530, -2630.

In addition, ME 专业 must earn a combined GPA of at least 2.0 in the following cognate courses: 数学- 1710, -1720, -2710, -2740, 和phy - 2110, -2120.


  • All engineering 专业 must earn a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 in all major and cognate courses.
  • All engineering 专业 must take an assessment exam similar to the NCEES Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam.



We welcome transfer students. 然而, because of the sequential nature of an engineering curriculum, transfers between programs become progressively more difficult later in the sequence. Therefore, we recommend contacting us for guidance when considering transferring into our program.

* SAT考试成绩: Based on SAT tests taken March 2016 and afterwards.